Graffiti legend Mr Cenz has been painting walls since 1988 - and his work has been described as ‘surrealist graffiti for the soul’- his new work focuses on female portraiture, and incorporates AR into giant mural pieces.
What steps did you take to get to where you are now?
"My style has been developed through years of experimenting with different techniques and mediums. From the moment I started messing around with spray paint back in the mid 80s' I was always trying to do something different and looking at the more forward thinking graffiti artists.
I was fascinated by Spraypaint techniques and I spent hours mastering things like the classic graffiti light shine. There is no shortcut to getting a style, it takes a lot of hard work and dedication and has to come organically and with originality.
Being Original is very hard theses days as the graffiti/street art is a very oversaturated scene.”